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A Moon Full of Gratitude: 2 Free Phone Wallpapers Inside!

Updated: Oct 27, 2023

Hello, fellow magic-makers and creative souls! 🌕

Today, I want to take a moment to share a bit about my spiritual journey and my quest for a more grounded life. It's a journey filled with fascinating discoveries and reflections, one of which I'd like to explore with you: we as humans have a profound connection with the moon’s energy. So, I started trying to better understand that connection by observing the moon's phases, tuning into the energies of nature, and nurturing a sense of appreciation.

The Hunter's Full Moon

October 28, marks the Hunter's Full Moon. There's a wealth of knowledge and insight to gain from moon phases and their significance, but for now, let's focus on the Full Moon.

The Full Moon is a time of celebration and gratitude. It's the point in the lunar cycle where you take stock of the progress you've made toward manifesting your desires. It's a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the milestones you've achieved on your incredible journey.

You might feel tempted to dive straight into reflection and begin planning your next move. However, I want you to pause and take a moment to celebrate your wins, regardless of how big or small they are. Express gratitude for where you stand today and the person you've become, even if it's just a little better than the you of yesterday. For me, it's a special occasion because I'm celebrating the launch of this blog, a space where I can share my creativity with all of you. I've always wanted a way to connect with fellow creative spirits, and this blog has become the outlet for that expression.

Gratitude and Celebration

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for being a part of this remarkable moment in my life. Your presence is like a ray of moonlight, illuminating my journey and I'm thrilled to have you join me.

As we soak in all that Full Moon energy, here are three simple but powerful ways to celebrate and engage:

  1. Journal: Set aside a moment to write down your thoughts. This is the moment where you focus on connecting with yourself. Capturing the you of today. This will help when you do your next check-in and you’re able to see your progress.

  2. Spend Time in Nature: Embrace the grounding energy of nature by taking a walk or waking up early, stepping outside and just taking a deep breath. Close your eyes, connect with the natural world, and let its energy infuse your spirit.

  3. Express Gratitude: Create your own gratitude list. Reflect on all that you've accomplished over the past month, acknowledging the progress you've made on your unique journey.

Progress Over Perfection

I understand that celebrating ourselves can be challenging at times. We might feel that we haven't done enough or haven't achieved our goals to perfection. But let me share with you my motto for this season of my life: "Progress over perfection."

It's about taking that leap, trusting in your own abilities, and celebrating every step forward, no matter how small or imperfect it may seem. It's a reminder that the heart and intention behind our actions matter more than the pursuit of perfection.

I'm here to support you as a member of our community in keeping this reminder right at your fingertips. That's why I've created two phone wallpapers for you to use whenever you need a friendly reminder that you can get started without waiting for perfection. Remember, I believe in you, and I'm here cheering you on. To download, please subscribe to my blog to gain access to the resource library password.

So, let's celebrate together, embracing our wins, big and small. After all, isn't that the essence of our little magical community?

With gratitude and love, Zuri 🍂✨

PS - FUN FACT: This moon is called the Hunter's Moon because it historically marked the time when hunters could track and hunt game under the bright light of the full moon, aiding their preparations for winter and serving as an essential celestial marker for Native North American communities.


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