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Spread Positivity: DIY Affirmation Jar for Daily Self-Love + Free 31 Days of Affirmations Printable

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In the last blog post, we explored creative ways to shower ourselves with love and care. Today, we're diving deeper into one of my favorite activities: creating an affirmation jar! This basic yet empowering DIY project will fill your days with positivity, self-compassion, and a whole lot of love. 

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After recently stumbling upon the concept of affirmation jars, I decided to give it a try, hoping it might sprinkle a bit of positivity into my daily routine. Each morning, as I reached for an affirmation from the jar, I actually felt a shift within me. My confidence and self-esteem grew, and I found myself approaching each day with a bit more pep in my step. It wasn't long before I committed to consistently using these affirmations as a guiding light, and I have already seen signs of a transformation in my mood and self-image due to the simple act of practicing self-love through affirmations. Now it’s time to spread the love, so let's get started!

Step 1: What You'll Need

  • A Jar: Any clear glass jar or container will do – think repurposed jam jars or old mason jars from your kitchen.

  • Paper: Grab some colorful or plain paper – scraps work perfectly fine!

  • Writing Utensils: Pens, markers, or colored pencils to write your affirmations.

  • Scissors: To cut your affirmations into strips.

  • Optional: Decorative Touches: Feel free to add ribbons, stickers, or washi tape to decorate your jar and make it uniquely yours.

Step 2: Crafting Your Affirmations

  • Brainstorm Affirmations: Take a moment to reflect on positive statements that resonate with you. These could be words of encouragement, reminders of your strengths, or declarations of self-love.

  • Write Them Down: Grab your paper and writing utensils, and start writing! Keep your affirmations short, sweet, and to the point. Think phrases like "I am enough," "I am worthy of love," or "I embrace my imperfections."

  • Cut and Fold: Once you've written your affirmations, cut them into strips and fold them up neatly. You want each affirmation to be a surprise when you pull it from the jar.

Step 3: Assembling Your Affirmation Jar

  • Fill Your Jar: Take your folded affirmations and fill your jar to the brim. Arrange them in a way that's visually appealing – you want to feel excited every time you reach for one!

  • Decorate (Optional): Add any decorative touches to your jar to make it extra special. Get creative and let your personality shine through!

Step 4: Using Your Affirmation Jar

  • Daily Pick-Me-Ups: Make it a habit to pick an affirmation from your jar every morning or whenever you need a little boost of positivity throughout the day.

  • Share the Love: Invite friends and family to join in on the fun! Gift them their own affirmation jars or host a crafting party to make them together.

Free Printable: 31 Days of Affirmations 

To help you get started on your affirmation journey, we've created a free printable with 31 affirmations – one for each day of the month! To access, head to our Printable library. And don't forget to subscribe to our community to get the password. 

And there you have it – your very own affirmation jar, brimming with love, positivity, and endless possibilities! Remember, self-love is a daily practice, and your affirmation jar is here to remind you of your worth, strength, and beauty every step of the way.

Still have doubts?

For anyone still wondering, "Do affirmations really work?" or "Is creating an affirmation jar worth the effort?" I addressed a few misconceptions related to self-love in my previous post, but let's quickly touch on affirmations. Some may think affirmations are just empty words. Remember, affirmations are most effective when said with sincerity and belief. It's okay if they feel awkward at first – that's perfectly normal! Through consistent practice and using personalized affirmations, you'll slowly but surely reshape your mindset, building confidence and becoming a more grounded version of the wonderful person you already are. 😊

Ready to spread the love? Share this blog post with your friends and family to inspire them to create their own affirmation jars. And don't forget to tag us on social media as we kick off this affirmation journey together!


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