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Spread Self-Love: 10 Fun Ways to Shower Yourself with Care this February

Can you smell love in the air? With February upon us, it's time to sprinkle a little extra love into our lives – and no, we're not just talking about Valentine's Day chocolates and flowers! Last month, I created my first Vision Board and one of the areas of focus for the year is around self-care and by extension self-love. So this month, let's prioritize self-love and treat ourselves to some playful acts of kindness. Get ready to embrace your inner lovebug with these fun and fabulous ideas!

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10 creative ways to shower yourself with love: 

  1. Dance Party for One: Put on whatever type of music makes your body feel charged, clear some space, and dance like nobody's watching! Let loose, shake off the stress, and revel in the joy of movement.

    • I started incorporating daily dance breaks into my routine, and it's been a game-changer for my mood throughout the day. Taking a few minutes to move my body and let go of stress helps me refocus and handle tasks with refreshed enthusiasm.

  2. Bubble Bath Extravaganza: Transform your bathroom into a blissful oasis with candles, bubbles, and soothing music. Sink into the tub and let your worries melt away. There's something incredibly soothing about sinking into a warm bubble bath after a hectic day.

    • It's my go-to remedy for stress relief, and I always emerge from my bubbly adventure feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

  3. Compliment Challenge: Challenge yourself to look in the mirror and say three genuine compliments every day. Embrace your inner cheerleader and celebrate all the wonderful things that make you this awesome version of yourself!

    • I started a gratitude journal where I jot down three things I love about myself each day. It's been a powerful exercise in self-acceptance and has helped me create a more positive self-image. 🥰

  4. Funny Love Letters: Grab a pen and paper (or your favorite digital device) and write yourself a love letter – but with a silly twist! Fill it with inside jokes, funny memories, and quirky compliments that'll make you giggle.

    • I wrote myself a silly love letter filled with inside jokes and funny memories. Reading it always brings a smile to my face and reminds me to not take life too seriously.

  5. DIY Self-Love Jar: Create a jar filled with little notes of self-love and encouragement. Whenever you need a pick-me-up, reach into the jar and pull out a dose of positivity.

    • Several of my friends have expressed that creating a jar of self-love notes was a simple yet powerful act of self-care.. Having a tangible reminder of your strengths and accomplishments helps you to navigate challenging times with more resilience.

  6. Vision Board Party: Gather some glue, a pair of scissors, and your favorite magazines, and create a vision board filled with images and words that inspire you. Dream big, get creative, and let your imagination run wild!

    • Creating my vision board with my hubby sparked inspiring conversations and deepened our bond, but it also was a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

  7. Treat Yo' Self Day: Set aside a day just for you and indulge in all your favorite things. Whether it's a solo movie marathon, a spa day at home, or a decadent dessert extravaganza, pamper yourself like royalty!

    • Taking a dedicated day to pamper myself (K-dramas and crafts 😁) felt indulgent at first, but it turned out to be exactly what I needed to recharge my batteries and show myself some much-needed love.

  8. Gratitude Graffiti: Grab a colorful pack of sticky notes and write down things you love about yourself, your accomplishments, and the little joys in life. Stick them around your home as reminders of all the good in your world.

    • Practicing gratitude through 'gratitude graffiti' has shifted my mindset from scarcity to abundance. It's an enchanting way to cultivate a deeper sense of appreciation for life's blessings.

  9. Nature Retreat: Spend a day immersing yourself in nature. Maybe it's a hike in the mountains, a stroll on the beach, or a picnic in the park. Whatever you do, reconnecting with the great outdoors can be incredibly uplifting for the mind, body, and spirit.

    • Escaping to the wilderness of my local park for a solo nature retreat was a soul-nourishing experience. Surrounded by towering trees and bursting bird songs, I found peace in the harmony of nature, allowing me to reconnect with myself on a deeper level.

  10. Digital Detox: Disconnect from technology for a day (or half a day if you need an easier target) and enjoy some screen-free time. Instead of scrolling through social media or checking emails, engage in activities that nourish your soul, such as reading a book, going for a walk, or spending quality time with loved ones. Taking a break from technology has been proven, through my own personal research 😉, to help reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and enhance interpersonal relationships.

    • Attempting a digital detox weekend was initially daunting, but as I unplugged from screens and reconnected with the world around me, I discovered a newfound sense of presence and clarity. This allowed me to reclaim my time and attention, and fully immerse myself in the present moment.

There you have it - 10 creative ways to shower yourself with love and care this February! Remember, self-love isn't just a one-time thing – it's a lifelong journey of embracing and celebrating the wonderful person you are. So go ahead, get silly, get creative, and most importantly, get loving! 💕

Moving past misconceptions

But before you go, let’s address a few things about self-love that are probably on your mind. With the rise in popularity of discussing self-love, there are several misconceptions that are still holding many people back. Let’s tackle a few of those now:

Misconception #1: Self-love is selfish.

  • Self-love is not about neglecting others but rather ensuring you have the emotional capacity to care for them fully. Picture yourself as a cup being filled with water. Only when your cup is full, through self-love, can you offer refreshment to others. 

Misconception #2: Self-love is indulgent and unnecessary.

  • Taking care of yourself is essential for overall well-being. It's like maintaining a car; you wouldn't expect it to run smoothly without regular oil changes and maintenance, right?

Misconception #3: It feels phony to just say nice things to yourself.

  • If you're worried about self-love feeling forced or unnatural, know that it's okay to take things at your own pace. Find activities that genuinely resonate with you and bring you joy. Self-love is about making yourself smile.


To help you take full advantage of your self-love journey, I’m sharing two printables this time. A self-love journal sheet that you can use daily or a few times a week. Also, a fun but functional self-love bingo sheet (in color and black and white). This is my way of sharing the love. 🤗 To access the Printable library, subscribe to our community to get the password. 

As we part ways for now, remember this: prioritize your well-being. Choose one act of self-love from this list and commit to it today. Whether it's a dance party or gratitude session, invest in yourself. You deserve it. Also, share your favorite self-love activities in the comments below, and don't forget to spread the love by sharing this post with your friends and followers. Let's make February the month of self-love, laughter, and appreciation and celebration for who you are!

With gratitude and love, Zuri ✨


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